Calligraphy seating chart for high paying clients

Pro Wedding Calligrapher


Unlock the Calligraphy Business of Your Dreams by Booking Higher Paying Wedding Clients.

Pro Wedding Calligrapher is a hands-on course that provides everything you need to turn your calligraphy skills into a growing, successful business. With my step-by-step guidance and time-saving templates, you’ll learn exactly how to attract and book your dream wedding clients and get paid to do what you love–calligraphy!

Get Access

To the Pro Wedding Calligrapher Course


The Exact Skills You Need to Grow Your Business

Make Money

Doing What You Love–Calligraphy!

"I tripled my income in the first year after taking Pro Wedding Calligrapher!"

— Erin, Love Lettering by Erin

Jug seating chart for high paying clients

If you’re dreaming of working with wedding clients,

this course is for you.

You started calligraphy as a mindful hobby, and you’ve addressed some envelopes for friends and created a few signs for free–but what if it didn’t have to stop there?

What if your calligraphy skills could pay you to do what you love, in a flexible format that fits into your lifestyle, without having to be at the mercy of Etsy or having to create a complicated website? 

That’s possible for you–and I want to show you how.

My Free Masterclass:

The perfect first step to getting started

I went from being a calligraphy newbie to earning 4+ figures per wedding–and I believe you have the ability to do the exact same thing.

If you want to learn from me for FREE, join my 60-minute training, where I’ll share my proven framework I’ve used to make hundreds of thousands of dollars doing wedding calligraphy. Sign up now and start booking dream clients who will pay you for your talent.

I believe you have what it takes

to turn your hobby into a thriving wedding calligraphy business.

If You Are…

  • A calligraphy lover eager to monetize your skills and establish a sustainable income stream while maintaining flexibility in your work schedule 🖋️

  • A stay-at-home parent seeking a fulfilling side hustle that allows for creative expression and contributes to family finances without sacrificing precious time with loved ones 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

  • A corporate professional feeling burnt out and dreaming of ditching the 9-5 to turn your true creative passion into a full-time career ✌️

  • An art student looking for a path from calligraphy hobby to profitable career, gaining valuable business knowledge and industry insights along the way 🎨

You’re in the right place!

Calligraphy business expert, Shaochen Wu, teaching calligraphers about how to book high paying clients

Hi, I’m Shaochen!

I started my calligraphy business in June 2019 to find calm and mindfulness away from my stressful tech job.

My calligraphy studio, Monstera Gold, focuses on creating day-of wedding goods and signage, as well as providing mentorship to fellow calligraphers whose passion is more than a hobby.

I bring a decade of leadership, business, and client management experience to the wedding industry, where I've been part of over 150 weddings and have been published in local, national, and international publications such as Style Me Pretty, Cosmo Bride, and Rocky Mountain Bride.

I believe in the power of community, and my mission is to empower calligraphers with confidence and business knowledge to build their dream businesses, raise the bar, and create more opportunities together.

My four-step formula is designed to

monetize your calligraphy skills with ease.


Lay Your Business Foundation and Get Your Action Plan

  • Gain clarity on the vision for your business and who your ideal client is.

  • Set your hourly rate and financial goals in a way that supports your life. 

  • Get all the crucial next steps to make your business official.


Develop Irresistible Offerings that Command a Premium

  • Develop a portfolio of irresistible offerings tailored specifically to the unique needs of engaged couples.

  • Learn how to confidently price your work (without underselling yourself!).

  • Take stunning photos to establish your brand and portfolio.


Attract and Book Your Dream Wedding Clients

  • Discover proven strategies for attracting and booking your ideal clients, from marketing tactics to maximizing deals. 

  • Learn how to communicate the value of your work and lead effective client calls. 

  • Sell authentically and create compelling proposals that make it easy to book with you.


Exceed Client Expectations and Scale Your Business

  • Deliver exceptional experiences that leave a lasting impression on your clients and inspire glowing word-of-mouth referrals. 

  • Implement policies and contracts that allow both you and your clients to achieve mutual success. 

  • Discover how to make more money with less work through rentals.



  • Went full time with her wedding calligraphy business a year after enrolling in Pro Wedding Calligrapher.

  • Gained the confidence to reach out to key wedding planners she only would have dreamed of contacting beforehand.

  • Went from being afraid to charge more than $40 for a sign to an average booking of $1,500.

  • Booked forty weddings in one season and made nearly 60K!

It doesn’t take long to see results from Pro Wedding Calligrapher.

Check out these success stories from our alumni…

Megan with Script on This, past client



  • Spent over 1.5 years on trial and error before finding the Pro Wedding Calligrapher course, which enabled him to officially launch his business in less than 2 months.

  • Went from earning $1K in revenue to $25K after taking the course, with increased profit margins and conversion rates. 

  • Won 'Orlando Magazine’s Annual Best of Wedding Awards" in 2023.

  • Gets to fulfill his creative passions in a way that accommodates his 9-5 job and spending time with his family.

Danison with Bowtie and Brush, past client



  • Stopped tediously reverse-engineering her business by watching Instagram stories and learned the best practices that took her from getting occasional jobs to quickly scaling up to a sustainable, profitable business.

  • Went from selling $1 Etsy listings to gaining the skills and confidence to send $1,000+ invoices, and now works with her dream couples and vendors at high-end weddings.

  • Implemented time-saving client processes, launched new business offerings, and built out her rental catalog–all while continuing to work in a full-time job she loves.

Carissa with Dos Flores Designs, past client

Pro Wedding Calligrapher

Makes it easy to turn your hobby into a thriving calligraphy business.

I hold your hand through this step-by-step program so you can create a profitable calligraphy business serving high-paying wedding clients WITHOUT dealing with the headache of uncertain income streams or overwhelming marketing strategies.

Inside the Pro Wedding Calligrapher course with Shaochen Wu of Monstera Gold

When you enroll in the Pro Wedding Calligrapher course, you’ll unlock…

Step-by-Step Video Lessons

Follow 16 action-focused video trainings plus 2 bonus lessons to elevate your business knowledge and skills, guiding you step by step toward success as a calligrapher working in the wedding industry.

My Calligraphy Resource Vault

Access a proprietary collection of essential tools, including pricing calculators, email templates, call scripts, and sample invoices–all designed to streamline your workflow and enhance your productivity so you can run your business with ease.

A Close-Knit Calligraphy Community

Join a vibrant and supportive community of fellow calligraphers on this journey with you, where you can network, share insights, and receive valuable mentoring and job opportunities to propel your business forward.

Lifetime Access

Enjoy unlimited access to all course materials and updates, ensuring you have the support and resources you need to thrive in your calligraphy business for years to come. Quickly open our mobile app for on-the-go learning to accommodate your busy schedule.

We can’t wait to see you in our community!

This course goes above and beyond what you would expect.

“Pro Wedding Calligrapher Course has helped me in so many aspects of my business. I am much more confident creating proposals, sending quotes and running my business in a professional manner. This course goes above and beyond what you would expect. The templates that are provided are a game changer for my business! It is absolutely worth the investment in yourself and your business!”

— Victoria, Blossom & Ink Studio

Calligraphy bar menu for high paying clients

Pro Wedding Calligrapher
is for You if…

  • You’re a calligrapher just starting your business who wants to work with high-paying wedding clients, or a calligrapher who is ready to grow off Etsy and book your dream wedding clients.

  • You’re tired of trial and error and cobbling together free internet resources–you’re ready to build a thriving business NOW!

  • You enjoy working with people to brainstorm ideas and create something unique just for them.

  • You’re a side hustler or want to make more money without managing a ton of different clients.

  • You believe that community is our strongest asset and that when we support each other, we elevate our industry as a whole, which in turn benefits us, too!

Pro Wedding Calligrapher

will take your business to the next level. But don’t take my word for it, hear what my students have to say.

“Without this course, I don't know how I would have gotten my business off the ground. Shaochen holds your hand and walks you step-by-step on how to get your business started, how to create prototypes, reach out to vendors and clients, and how to market yourself. It is INVALUABLE if you are a calligrapher and want to make a business out of it. I recommend this course to all my calligraphy friends!”

- Priscilla, Priscilla Basilio Design Studio

Priscilla with Priscilla Basilio Design Studio, Past client

“I started my business shortly after my own wedding as my fun creative side hustle, but had no logistical business knowledge. Not only did I triple my income after my first year, but I also learned the skills to work with my dream clients that allow me to work on projects I am passionate about!”

- Erin, Love Lettering by Erin

Erin, with Love Lettering by Erin, past client

“The Pro Wedding Calligrapher Course was exactly what I needed to help me scale and grow my existing calligraphy business. Your lessons helped me gain clarity to level up in a strategic way. I often found myself wishing I had your course when I first started my biz a few years ago, but there is still so much for more seasoned calligraphers to learn from you. PWC is worth every penny (and more!) It's one of my best business investments to date.”

- Marie, Maiden September

Marie, with Maiden September, past client

Pro Wedding Calligrapher gave me so much more confidence in my business. Not only were the modules extremely helpful and practical, but the Facebook group continues to give me confidence to try new things because if I am ever stuck, I know there are people I can reach out to, to ask for help. The pricing module is definitely my favorite though. It gave me the confidence to raise my prices and to have concrete reasoning for why my numbers are what they are.”

- Monica, Markings by Monica

Monica with Markings by Monica, past client

What if you could establish yourself as the go-to wedding calligrapher in your area?

With Pro Wedding Calligrapher, this vision can become your reality. 

Through strategic guidance and practical insights, you'll learn how to value your work, attract high-paying clients, and build a reputation that sets you apart in the industry. 

From mastering the art of pricing to implementing effective marketing strategies, our program equips you with the tools and knowledge you need to establish yourself as the go-to wedding calligrapher in your community. 

Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your business to new heights, our course empowers you to turn your aspirations into achievements.

Have questions about if the Pro Wedding Calligrapher course is right for you?

  • The course is on-demand and self-paced so you can go as quickly as you’d like or take your time. I recommend spending one month on the Focus and Create modules because these sections really set the foundation of your business. Once you have completed those two modules, you can start selling your work! You don’t need to have completed the entire course before you can get clients–in fact, this course is very effective as “on-the-job” training, meaning that you are implementing the lessons as you’re selling your work and talking to clients. You’ll be able to skip around in the course too, so if you’re getting on a client call tomorrow but are not there in the course yet, just jump to that lesson! Similarly, since you have lifetime course access, you can always come back to reference specific lessons if you run into a sticky situation and need to read through the suggested policies one more time. If you go through the entire course at once and take all the actions as you go, it will probably take about 2-3 months to implement, assuming this is your side hustle!

  • Absolutely not! The results shared on this page are all from fellow side hustlers or full-time moms. In fact, by taking this course you’ll learn how to run your business in a way that saves you time. Let’s say you want to make $1,000 a month from your calligraphy. If your current average deal is $100, you need 10 clients to meet your goal. But if after taking this course you’re able to book $300 - $500 deals to start, you only need 2-3 clients a month to meet your goal. That’s a lot less time spent on client communications, marketing, going to the post office, etc!

  • Yes! I have taught my programs to mentees and students all over the world, including Canada, Ireland, Nigeria, Iceland, and the list goes on! The concepts I teach in this course are universally applicable; just keep in mind that you are the expert on your local market on things like buyer demand, trends, taxes, and legal policies. My philosophy is to teach you how to think about your business, not tell you what to do, so that you can apply the concepts in a way that works best for your culture and region.

  • Calligraphers can be either product or service-based, and in most cases will have a mix of both, but you’ll usually lean more one way. It’s important to identify which type of business you want to be because it heavily affects your marketing and sales strategies.

    A product-based business essentially means that you have or want to have an online shop. Clients are more likely to come to you looking for something specific, usually a single item. Because of this, you ideally want to create multiple products and variations of those products so that your clients can find exactly what they’re looking for. Client interactions are often limited to checkout transactions, and there may not be any direct communication outside of the purchase.

    A service-based business has a portfolio (usually an Instagram and/or website), but usually doesn’t have a direct option to buy. Clients are likely to come to you with their vision and general ideas and want some help to nail down what they need. They’re more likely to buy multiple items from you, thus spending more money. You’ll have direct conversations and often build a relationship with your client. The best way to think about a service-based business is to think about a wedding florist: they have a portfolio and will consult with you specifically on what you need based on your wedding colors, vibe, and budget.

    As far as determining which business model is right for you, ask yourself how you want to engage with your clients. If you currently have a shop, ask yourself whether you have it because you want to be a product-based business, or if that just seemed to be the easiest way to start a business. If you enjoy working with clients and want to work weddings, I would encourage you to consider a service-based business, where you’re more likely to find your dream clients and book larger deals without short-changing yourself on price.

  • Only time will tell. :) My job is to teach you how to become a wedding calligraphy service provider in the most direct way, using the strategies that have worked for me and my students, but I can’t guarantee any specific results. What I can tell you is that by using the same methods I’ll teach you, I’ve been able to book jobs over $1k regularly. It would be a reasonable expectation that you’ll start with three-figure wedding jobs, and as you grow your portfolio and implement course strategies, you would be able to expand your deals to book four-figure jobs over time.

  • The Pro Wedding Calligrapher course is built on the Thinkific learning platform, which runs in your browser on a desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone. No software download is required and the course is accessible on-demand 24/7. To see full system requirements and supported browsers, click here.

    All of the tools, templates, and worksheets in the course are PDFs, Google Docs, Google Sheets, or YouTube videos, which are all accessible for free once you are in the course. For the best course experience–and to more easily use the tools provided–a laptop or tablet is recommended. The course provides some suggested software tools to help run your business, but these are optional and discount codes are provided where available.

  • Due to the digital nature of the course, the course is non-refundable since you will have immediate access to all content. For this same reason, there are no refunds for future price changes or promos. Please reach out to if you have any concerns!

Have other questions?

Click here to ask away and I’ll be in touch within two business days!

Shaochen Wu of Monstera Gold holding a pointed pen

You shouldn’t have to figure out your calligraphy business on your own.

When you take the Pro Wedding Calligrapher Course, you’ll unlock all the tools and resources you need to book your dream wedding clients and grow a thriving calligraphy business. 

You deserve to make money doing what you love–and with Pro Wedding Calligrapher, you’ll learn exactly how.

Let’s stay in touch

Not ready to take the Pro Wedding Calligrapher course quite yet? I can help you along the way! Sign up to get a free client call cheat sheet plus more biz tips straight to your inbox!

Copyright Monstera Gold LLC 2024